Regional Soil Health Events
Registration fee:
OSCIA Members $60.00 + $7.80 HST
Non-OSCIA Members $75.00 + $9.75 HST
Lunch and refreshments included
Register for the Event
Offerings currently unavailable.
Please call 519-674-1500 ext. 63524 for more information.
CCA CEU credits available.
Cover Crops, Drainage, Earthworms and More
CEU 1: Soil & Water Management
Eileen Kladivko
Professor of Agronomy at Purdue University
- How can you improve your soil's resilience in bad weather years? Tile drainage is only part of the answer. Cover crops, tillage, and more.
Soil is Alive! How to Build a Healthy Soil Microbiology
CEU 1: Soil & Water Management
Cynthia Kallenback
Assistant Professor in Soil Ecology and Biogeochemistry at McGill University
- Healthy, productive soils don't happen overnight. What does it take to build soil organic matter? A deep dive into how microbes manage our soils.
Soil Tests - What is Really Important?
CEU 1: Crop Management
Jake Munroe and Sebastien Belliard, OMAFRA
- Where can you get the most bang for your buck? - from soil fertility tests to the newest soil health tests.
Jake Munroe - Soil Management Specialist for Field Crops with OMAFRA
Sebastian Belliard - Soil Management Specialist for Field Crops with OMAFRA
Local Farmer Discussion Panels
- Compaction
- Handling and Maximizing Manure
- Getting Started with Soil Health
- Erosion Control; Managing Field Landscape
Concurrent Sessions
Session 1 Topic A: Soil Compaction
Tillage, tires and what is driving change? What is it costing?
CEU 1: Crop Management
- Ian McDonald, OMAFRA
- Warren Schneckenburbger, Cedar Lodge Farms, Morrisburg
- Kees Hoogendorn, Hogendoorn Dairy, Baden
Session 1 Topic B: Getting Started with Soil Health
Ah ha moments - Where did change start? What are the economics? How were cover crops, tillage and rotation included?
CEU 1: Soil & Water Management
- Deb Campbell, Agronomy Advantage Inc., Dundalk
- Aaron Bowman, Pride Seeds
- Jennifer Doelman, Bonnechere Haven Farms, Douglas
Session 2 Topic A: Handling and Maximizing Manure
Getting the most from manure: incorporation, reducing odour, increasing nutrient content, and no-till practices
CEU 1: Nutrient Management
- Peter Doris, OMAFRA
- Wilfred Raats, Raats Custom Farming, Metcalfe
- Alex Barrie, Gordon Barrie and Sons, Bowmanville (Kemptville)
- Scott Swain, Swain Beef, Blackstock (Cobourg)
Session 2 Topic A: Handling and Maximizing Manure
What are strategies for a system approach to erosion? In what context are different strategies appropriate?
CEU 1: Soil & Water Management
- Kevin McKague, OMAFRA
- West Honey, Warkworth (Cobourg)
Reviewed 09/22/2023